The broader impact/commercial potential of this Partnerships for Innovation - Technology Translation (PFI-TT) project is to greatly advance photovoltaics (materials for solar cells) made with special materials called perovskites, and enable high-speed printing of these solar cells on flexible underlying structures, known as substrates. This would enable large-volume manufacturing of these flexible solar cells for many applications. For instance, a freight truck trailer or refrigerated van covered by high-efficiency, lightweight and flexible solar panels would generate sufficient electricity to power all units on board, significantly reducing diesel fuel consumption and avoiding idle run during rest stops. Another potential use is retrofitting shading fabrics, such as those used on carports; this would not only effectively block sunlight and thus minimize car heating, but could also supply additional power for lighting and/or charging electric vehicles. This could also be used for forward operating bases or other remote military operations if integrated with tents, reducing diesel fuel demand and the associated risk to the supplying troops, as well as associated costs.
The proposed project will develop a technology to enable large-scale manufacturing of high-performance fully-flexible perovskite solar cells. In spite of rapid progress in efficiency and low-cost potential from solution processing capability, perovskite solar cells still have to overcome a few obstacles before becoming economically competitive in the photovoltaic market. In particular, life span and the lengthy annealing time limit the capability for high-speed printing. The proposed technology innovation will address these two main issues through a novel process and material engineering. In this PFI-TT project, photonic irradiation will be utilized to achieve rapid layer-specific annealing for the metal oxide charge transport layers without damaging the underlying flexible substrate and perovskite absorber layer. The high-quality metal oxide films will not only improve solar cell stability by providing physical protection to the perovskite active layer, but also maintain the efficient charge transport and efficiency, achieving the best of both worlds. In addition, a particular polymer will be added into the perovskite precursor solution to form ultra-smooth and stable perovskite films. With the proposed rapid and layer-specific annealing and incorporation of a particular dendrimer in the perovskite absorber layer, highly-stable perovskite solar cells with efficiency above 20% on flexible substrates will be accomplished.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.