The broader impact/commercial potential of this I-Corps project includes new biomedical devices based on the use of cellulose nanofiber (CNF), a green, renewable, value-added product, as the material to usher in the new age of biomedical structural materials. Small surgical fixation devices (plates, screws, and pins), bone scaffolds/spacers (orthobiologics), surgical support devices, orthotics, and large wound therapies (negative pressure wound therapy) are all strong potential applications. Currently these markets are collectively valued at ~$20 billion and predicted to grow rapidly by 2025. Preliminary feedback indicates current materials are of inferior quality, not meeting the needs of doctors and patients, are difficult for surgeons to work with, and generally too costly. Titanium alloys are the most prevalent orthopedic material, but they demonstrate significant flaws including excessive stiffness, extreme density, questionable biocompatibility, and the inability for bio-resorption.
This I-Corps project further develops a technology platform that makes it possible to produce porous solid forms derived from composites of the naturally derived fibrillated nanocellulose (CNF). Under the appropriate processing conditions, porous CNF solid-forms can be produced with impressive mechanical properties (porosity, strength-to-weight ratios, modulus, machinability, durability, biocompatibility, dissolution rate), exceeding that of modern plastics. Based on preliminary results, this material system may exhibit the desired properties for use in a number of healthcare related applications. Current research seeks to explore the feasibility of this material system to meet the specific requirements of these application areas. Through the I-Corps program this project will focus on identifying the specific needs, including material and design constraints, of medical and healthcare related stakeholders.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.