The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to help more amputees walk safely with less effort. Approximately 800,000 individuals live with a major lower limb amputation, and this number is growing largely due to diabetes. The 50,000 amputees each year who need a new prosthetic knee have two options: learn to use a traditional prosthetic knee or attempt to obtain a high-tech, computer-controlled knee. The first option requires that the amputee learn and execute specific technique(s) to walk safely, while the latter does so automatically but cost $30,000-100,000 and requires physical qualification, limiting the availability. The novel prosthetic knee developed here offers stability automatically, regardless of amputee technique. It prevents buckling while simultaneously allowing the user to walk safely with any leg motions the user is able to generate. Since it requires no electronics or power, it is available to all amputees regardless of ability, and at a fraction of the cost of high-tech knees. Amputees will be able to walk farther with less effort, improving health and quality of life, and easing caregiver burden. Additionally, this design could be adapted for use in orthotic, robotic or exoskeletal systems.

This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project proposes to develop and test a novel prosthetic knee. This project will explore the trade space of mechanical and analytical capabilities. This project will validate intuitive movement and universal stability for above-knee amputees through its innovative swing- and stance-phase functionality. This work will advance the knowledge of prosthetics, rehabilitation and bipedal locomotion.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

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Xonotiv LLC
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