The I/UCR Center for Hazardous Substance Management (HSMRC) at the New Jersey Institute of Technology plans to form an Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Partnership for Science and Engineering with one or more colleges/universities in Indonesia. One of these institutions will serve as the lead institution of an academic consortium in Indonesia which will participate in the partnership. The consortium concept offers the opportunity to access a broader range of expertise than that which can be offered by a single university to address hazardous waste management issues. The academic consortium in Indonesia will serve as a nucleus for the formation of an Industry/University Cooperative Research Center which will carry out at the academic institutions, a research program in the area of waste management of value and interest to the industrial participants in the cooperative research center. Faculty and students from Indonesia will participate in educational and research programs at the HSMRC; HSMRC faculty will participate in the Indonesian institutions' research activities; and there will be possibilities for development of interactive economic and business endeavors by the corporate membership of the two linked Cooperative Research Centers in Indonesia and in the U.S. This Center, once established, will train personnel to: a) address the waste management concerns of Indonesia's industry and provide solutions compatible with local requirements and conditions and b) contribute to the development of an infrastructure that will lead to sustainable development of Indonesia's economy. The I/UCRC concept is appropriate to address the environmental concerns of Indonesia's industry. The academic industrial cooperative effort allows academia to recognize industry's problems and develop strategies to best address these problems with solutions that can be implemented by industry. This award will be for $100,000 for 24 months.