Microwave and analog engineering research is important to companies for the development of advanced communication systems of the future. Planning activities at Villanova University have developed a base of support for a research program addressing components of advanced communication systems, i.e. specific antenna configuration, high power and high efficiency devices, and the development of equipment and techniques to characterize the microwave properties of materials. Enough companies are supporting the research program to form a Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Microwave/Analog Engineering at Villanova University. The initial research agenda of Villanova University's Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Microwave/Analog Engineering will address; 1) low profile antennas for communication links, 2) a high power and efficiency amplifier, 3) theoretical electromagnetics, and 4) communication satellite architectures. There are six company sponsors and five affiliate company sponsors for the Center committing approximately $300,000. The Principal Investigator/Center Director and his colleagues have the knowledge and facilities to run this Center. This Industry/University Cooperative Research Center is being coordinated with Dr. Lawrence Goldberg, Program Director, Quantum Electronics Waves and Beams. The Program Manager recommends Villanova University be awarded $50,000 for the first year of a five-year continuing award. Near the end of the first year the Program Director will review the progress of the Center on a number of criteria, including the following: 1) the extent to which the university- industry interaction is developing; 2) the extent to which the support base is developing; 3) the extent to which a robust research program is developing. If the review is satisfactory, the Program Director will recommend support for the next period of this continuing award.