This supplemental award will fund a one year program titled, "Environmental Issues in the Science Classroom: Management of Hazardous Substances", at the NJIT Hazardous Substance Management Research Center (HSMRC), an NSF I/UCRC. This project is designed to improve the teaching of science at the junior high/middle school level (grades 6-8) through an integration of professional development activities for teachers. Sixteen (16) junior high/middle school teachers will participate in a 6-week summer (1992) program which will consist of a 3-week intensive, content based workshop followed by a 3-week internship in a HSMRC affiliated industrial laboratory. During the following 1992-1993 academic year, teachers will integrate their experiences into their science curriculum, with the assistance of NJIT faculty involved in curriculum improvement activities at these grade levels. This project is a continuation of a highly successful program undertaken by NJIT in the summer of 1991. This project will be funded for one year at $104,165. The Education and Human Resources Directorate, Teacher Enhancement Program will provide one-half of the total funding for this project. The Program Director recommends that NJIT be awarded a total of $104,165 for one year. Of this amount the I/UCRC program will provide $5,208, the Engineering Infrastructure Development Division will provide $48,874, and the Teacher Enhancement Program in the Education and Human Resources Directorate will provide $52,082.