The phase II Research Project will encompass a series of imagine tests at 248nm with the catadioptric lens, using thin coatings of deep-UV resists to obtain maximum resolution. We will then fabricate a 193nm version of the lens and test it with the same criteria used at 248nm. In parallel with this task we will fabricate a step-and-repeat imagine platform and integrate a 3- motion (x,y,z) state system, viewing optics, CRT monitor, lens and delivery optics. Prior to running tests with the imagine platform, we will test two different homogenizer designs, selecting the best one for final tests. We will also run an optics damage threshold test on the critical optical surfaces to determine the maximum energy we can deliver through the system to the wafer substrates. Finally, the integration of the delivery optics with the selected homogenizer will take place, completing the imaging platform; we will mount the operator viewing optics above the x, y, and z stages, connect a CRT monitor and run a series of 193nm maximum resolution and maximum energy tests. The most advanced deep-UV resists will be used for samples, and data taken on field resolution, field uniformity, and energy transmission efficiency of the complete optical train. Data will be generated on both the lithographic properties of the entire system, as well as the capabilities for photoablation reactions. This data will identify the potential of the technology for commercial applications. ***