This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will address a major problem for environmental restoration: the low cost measurement of soil contaminants and their transport characteristics. First Point Scientific, Inc. proposes to develop a novel Neutron/X-ray Spectral (NXS) logging instrument, which will be used with a cone penetrometer (a probe which is hydraulically driven into the ground), for this purpose. This instrument uses passive and neutron-induced gamma-ray spectroscopy and x-ray spectroscopy techniques to make the needed measurements. It is expected to provide high sensitivity (e.g., Hg @ 0.2-2 ppm; Cl @ 3-20 ppm), for both detection and monitoring activities, without the use of radioactive materials. It will also provide attractive sampling volumes and depth resolution. The objective of the proposed project is to determine the technical feasibility of the NXS concept. This will be accomplished by performing two tasks: (1) develop the preliminary design for a laboratory prototype NXS instrument and (2) evaluate its performance, in terms of minimum detection levels, through detailed computer modeling. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Westinghouse Hanford Co., and Cornell University personnel will contribute to these tasks. Successful demonstrations of feasibility in Phase I will provide a firm foundation for construction and testing of the laboratory prototype instrument in Phase II. This project responds to the 1994 Solicitation emphasis on National Critical Technologies in the area of Pollution Minimization and Remediation.