This Small Business Innovation Research project proposes research leading to the development of a fully packaged-sub-millimeter wave oscillator based upon Resonant Tunnel Diodes (RTDs). Phase I research will optimize the MBE growth process and perform exploratory development of the packaging. The RTDs are to be fabricated in the InAs/AlSb material system and are expected to be similar to those of Brown et. al.*. The designs will be optimized for the MBE growth technology and process monitoring at Superiour Vacuum Systems. RTDs will be characterized at DC and RF. Preliminary investigation will be made of temperature dependence and reliability. SVT Associates will design a packaging technology, which allows for the generation of wideband tunable signals to be implemented under Phase II. *`Oscillations up to 712 GHz in InAs/AlSb resonant tunneling diodes`, E.R. Brown, J.R. Soderstrom, C.D. Parker, L.J. Mahoney, K.M. Molvar, and T.C. McGill, Appl. Phys. Lett. 58 (20)pp. 2291-3, 20-May-1991.