9501332 Cappo In this Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project, Learning in Motion is developing a collection of assessment items to support mathematics instruction in grades K-2 that is aligned with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards. The collection of items was begun in 1994 and is being evaluated and augmented with additional items with the cooperation of Thomas A. Romberg of the University of Wisconsin and Jan de Lange of the Freudenthal Institute in the Netherlands. Scoring rubrics are being developed and the items and rubrics are being tested in schools. A teacher enhancement component is being designed to help teachers build their own expertise in the area of assessment. The collection of assessment items is being made available for Macintosh and Windows environments and the accompanying software allows teachers to search for items using a variety of criteria, including level of difficulty, grade level, content strand, role of context, and length of time for completion. This project will create an assessment tool offering dynamic reporting thus giving teachers the direction they need to make important curriculum and testing decisions at the classroom level. Teachers will be able to assess their students understanding of mathematics at higher levels and to build better assessment programs overall.