ABSTRACT EEC-9527119 Greenberg This award provides funding for a "TIE" project to pursue cooperative research in the application of acoustics for characterization of gas and liquid phase inclusions in systems of interest to the NSF I/UCRC for Separations Using Thin Films at the University of Colorado (CSTF) and the Center for Process Analytical Chemistry (CPAC) at the University of Washington. The proposed "TIE" project research represents the first step in an anticipated long-term collaboration towards the development of a new generation of smart sensors. The specific research objectives involve the adaptation of acoustic time-domain reflectometry to the study of changes in the pore structure which occur during membrane compaction and changes in bubble size and position which occur in process streams. An improved fundamental understanding of these phenomena is essential for successful development of membrane-based chemical sensors. The proposed research builds upon existing strengths in acoustics and membranes at CSTF and expertise in chemistry and chemical processing at CPAC, and makes effective use of costly resources by designing and fabricating sophisticated acoustic instrumentation that can be applied to both membrane compaction and bubble dynamics. In addition, the creation of a formal "TIE" between the relatively young CSTF and well-established and highly successful CPAC will enable CSTF to obtain valuable information from CPAC about long-term sponsor development and facilitation of technology transfer with industry sponsors.