*** 9560496 Zhao This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will develop compact, low cost, ultra-narrow bandwidth (approx. O.1 A) holographic filters for solar imaging at the CaII line (3933 A). This addresses a key requirement for narrow band width filters in this wavelength region because of the difficulty in fabricating Lyot and similar interference filters with sufficient spectral resolution and optical quality in the blue to W region. In this program, the feasibility of recording high efficiency and low f-number (f/15 or lower) holographic imaging filters using photorefractive LiNbO3 crystals will be demonstrated. Recording holograms at other blue to W wavelengths in processed LiNbO3 crystals will also be investigated. This research program is expected to produce data on the optimum material characteristics and limits of recording high efficiency gratings at short wavelengths. Anticipated commercial applications of this technology include filters for solar astronomy, emission spectroscopy and pollution monitoring using optical remote sensing, and solar blind filters for free-space optical communication. Potential applications include: W narrow bandwidth filters for optical remote sensing; pollutant, chemical, metal, and mineral detection; solar-blind filters for free-space optical communications; high density optical disks and holographic data storage. ***