Abstract EEC-9616366 LaCourse This award provides funding for the first year of a five-year continuing award that initiates the start of a multi-university Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Glass which started at Alfred University and now is incorporating the University of Missouri-Rolla. The expanded research agenda with the University of Missouri-Rolla research site will address "A Baseline Study of Refractory Creep and MOE of Unaltered Glasstank Refractories," "Post-Corrosion Creep and MOE and Creep During Corrosion of Glassplant Refractories," "Glassplant Refractory Corrosion," "Thermal Shock and Thermal Stressing of Glasstank Refractories," "Microscopic Characterization of Glass Defects, Structures and Glassplant Refractories," and "On-line Monitoring of Glasstank Corrosion by Ultrasonic and Electromagnetic Methods."