*** 9661141 Kozakoff This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will investigate organic coatings that are both highly reflective in the microwave and in the optical frequency regime. The technical approach uses high density barium titanate glass microspheres in a suitable matrix material. Loading with conductive micro fibers (or micro spheres) produces a radar reflective as well as an optically reflective surface. This material will have many military applications. For instance, if a pilot's helmet or raft were coated with such a material, during search and rescue, this would make the aircrew easy to spot from an airborne surveillance radar many miles away, long before they can be spotted visually. The optically reflective feature would make them easy to see during mite rescue operations where search lights are employed. These coatings can be used in the marking of other equipment, such as life vests and rafts, used by boaters in commercial uses. ***