This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project from Star Mountain, Inc.(which recently bought the Systems Effectiveness Division of Essex Corporation) sets out to develop a portable dynamic visual acuity (DVA) test system. DVA has been described as a global measure that reflects the efficiency of the entire oculomotor system. When compared to measures of static acuity, measures of dynamic resolution for moving targets have shown strong relationships with stimulus and organismic variables and many applied tasks in which dynamic viewing is involved (e.g., driving, flying, sports, etc.). Unfortunately, one cannot purchase a DVA instrument 'off the shelf.` This effort will examine the feasibility of development and initial normative testing of a low-cost, portable DVA apparatus that incorporates available computer and laser technology for the controlled presentation of moving targets. The requisite flexibility and reliability that are needed for its practical use in both applied and research settings are emphasized. DVA changes have been demonstrated in such diverse areas as driving assessment among the elderly, the consequences of alcohol impairment in dynamic settings, and the implications of pathological eye-movement conditions associated with many neurological disorders. In Phase I, the Star Mountain project team will also link performance on the portable device with the traditional laboratory devices for which current predictive validities toward real world settings are available. The next phase of the research will continue development of the device, establish norms, and empirically demonstrate validity of the device. The human factors science and technology communities the interest in and need for a DVA test system keen. Thus sales to military, university and industrial vision laboratories for use in basic research and advanced development studies will be made as soon as a prototype is available (end of Phase I) The larger market would take a little longer to develop and would include incorporation of DVA into driver's license renewal testing, selection for various occupations (pilot, etc.), and identification of functional loss in the elderly.