*** 9801554 Blazie This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project from Blazie Engineering, Inc. will conduct research leading to the development of three working prototypes of a new print reading machine for the blind. As of early 1996, the only existing device in the world that can produce a tactile image of print from a small hand held camera, the Optacon, is no longer being produced by its manufacturer. In Phase I, the researchers demonstrated the feasibility of incorporating new technology in a new print reading machine which make it easier to use, quicker to learn, less expensive, and attractive to a larger market. A new tactile screen was designed which should significantly reduce costs and provide a clearer tactile image. A new camera design coupled with built in synthetic speech would make the device easier to learn and use and, with the proper accessories, the device would appeal to a larger market. The Phase II effort includes the following: detailed design, construction and user testing of the new tactile array; research and design of a new camera to produce a better tactile image; built-in speech synthesis and capability for training programs; development of software to allow tactile imaging of a PC screen; and design of hardware that allows for future expansion (including multi-purpose interface for additional cameras/scanners, hardware features to allow built in training features, and communications ports and universal serial bus for future expansion to market). The Optacon print reader enables blind individuals to have access to the study of mathematics and science. If this research is successful an improved, lower-cost commercial product incorporating new technology will result which make such access not only possible but also more attractive to a wider population. This new print reader for the blind will increase their employment opportunities and self-sufficiency to perform household management tasks as well as their ability to interface with print material s. ***