Abstract EEC-9812669 University of Missouri, Rolla Antonio Nanni, PI "Planning Grant for Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Repair of Buildings and Bridges with Composites" This award funds an industry/university planning meeting to develop an operational Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) for the Repair of Buildings and Bridges with Composites (RB2C) at the University of Missouri, Rolla. Ten companies related to the repair and rehabilitation of buildings and bridges using composite materials have expressed an interest in joining this center. The proposed I/UCRC will address: (1) development, understanding, manufacturing, and use of more durable construction materials; (2) installation processes and engineering design; (3) monitoring and evaluation of repaired structures; (4) standardization and code approval of products and design protocols; and (5) education and technology transfer. Thirteen faculty plan to work in the center from four departments: civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical/aerospace engineering mechanics, and chemistry. In addition to its research activities, the center proposes curricular changes at the university to incorporate its research results into education as well as providing technical training for the construction industry workforce.