This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project is addressed to the development and testing of a wireless system which will make use of Acoustic Emission Technology that is both practical and affordable on longer sections of pipeline pipe. The resulting system will enable the user to locate, within plus or minus 5 feet, the origin of sounds of distress from the pipe, enabling far less expensive point repairs rather than outright replacement. Development is based on signal processing techniques to identify the very distinguishable sounds of distress and an exclusive method of determining the location of the sounds through use of multiple wireless sensors. If the research is successful, the results have the potential of saving water districts from $1million to $15 million per mile in replacement costs for the nation's 20,000+ mile ($40 billion) concrete water main infrastructure. It will have application at water districts and electric utilities worldwide. The company projects their acoustic pipe testing revenues to reach $36,000,000 within 5 years, assuming a 5% market penetration. Longer term application to other pipe and civil structures is also foreseen.