This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will explore use of low value residual edgings from sawmill operations to manufacture a structural quality engineered wood composite called Structural Strand Lumber (SSL). Edgings are created when round logs are sawn into rectangular pieces of lumber. The SSL concept is to cut these edgings into strands, align them directionally, and then glue and compress them into a high value product. Edging material currently is used for low value wood chips for paper making. The SSL manufacturing process should yield a high value added wood product, dramatically reduce waste, reduce demand on natural resources, and increase sawmill efficiency. Phase I research will provide a fundamental understanding for enabling optimal SSL processes and demonstrate their feasibility in sawmill operations. Phase II would demonstrate the operation of a SSL prototype manufacturing facility. SSL manufacturing is expected to increase the efficiency of sawmill operations dramatically, while reducing environmental consequences of sawmill operations. Up to 14% more of forest raw materials could be converted to high value wood products with the proposed process.