"Student Poster Program and Travel Scholarships for the 22nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2005)" PI: Thorsten Joachims Cornell University
This award provides funds to help subsidize travel and registration costs for selected students to attend and participate in the 22nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2005) to be held August 7-11, 2005 in Bonn, Germany. Selected students will present results on their research projects in poster sessions that are part of the conference program. These sessions are designed to provide the students with feedback from senior researchers from the international machine learning community. Students will also have the opportunity to attend tutorials, especially on material not taught to them at their home institutions, and to hear invited talks and presentations on state-of-the-art research on machine learning. These activities will provide students with invaluable exposure to outside perspectives on their work at a critical time in their research and will contribute to the professional development of young scientists in the important field of machine learning.