This award supports a Doctoral Consortium at the 2009 ACM GROUP Conference to be held May 10-13, 2009. The ACM GROUP conference brings together researchers from the fields of organizational behavior, information systems, social informatics, information sciences, and computer supported cooperative work (CSCW). As such the conference is a critical link between the research communities supported by CISE/IIS and the broader social, behavioral, and management sciences. The focus of the GROUP Doctoral Consortium is the intellectual content of the students' doctoral dissertations. These dissertations represent state-of-the-art research in the study and development of organizational systems, information systems, social informatics, and computer supported cooperative work. The Doctoral Consortium creates a social network among the next generation of researchers and several senior researchers. Students and faculty are anticipated to be a diverse group on several dimensions (nationality, scientific discipline, gender, institutional affiliation, under-represented minority status), therefore participation in the consortium will broaden the students' intellectual and social perspectives at a critical stage in their professional development.