The goal of this REU Site program is to offer a unique training opportunity for undergraduates to conduct research in the multidisciplinary area of health-assistive smart environment technologies. The population is aging; therefore research is needed to understand the effects of aging and to find ways of allowing older adults and individuals with disabilities to lead independent lives at home. Our proposed REU program facilitates research and training in the complementary disciplines of computer science, electrical engineering, psychology, and health care. This program will partner with other REU programs both locally and in other geographic areas. Students will also interact with graduate students from a related IGERT program on campus. The REU program will continue to place emphasis on targeting involvement with women and students from underrepresented groups. The program is designed to enable high quality interdisciplinary research that links technology design with health-based applications. The topics addressed are highly interdisciplinary and will require interaction with faculty and mentors from a number of disciplinary areas. The program will create new opportunities for undergraduates to study health and human behavior using the technology.