With massive quantities of educational materials freely available on the web, the vision of personalized and readily accessible education appears within our grasp. General-purpose search engines are insufficient as they do not focus on educational materials, objectives, pre-requisite relations, etc., nor do they stitch together multiple sources to create customized curricula for students' goals and current knowledge. This exploratory project focuses on establishing fundamental results in: (1) extracting educational units from diverse web sites and representing them in a large directed graph, whose nodes are content descriptors and whose edges encode pre-requisite and other relations; (2) conducting multi-field topic inference via a new family of graphical models to infer relations among educational units; and (3) automated curricular planning, focusing on providing sequences of lessons, courses, exercises and other education units for a student to achieve his or her educational goals, conditioned on current skills. The objective is to develop a data-driven course/curriculum planner on demand, based on a graph traversal that is enriched with alternate paths, reinforcement options, and conditional branches to match the learner's needs.
The broader impact of this research is two-fold: (1) developing methods for mining and traversing web-based educational materials in general, later generalizing to multi-media lessons and courses; and (2) individualized curricular planning, so any student anywhere can be provided with guidance on how to navigate and exploit the vast ocean of massive open online course (MOOC) materials and other educational texts, exercises, etc. in a manner customized to the student's learning objective, capabilities and skills. The resulting system, named TEACHER, can be applied to learning specific job skills, to reinforce classroom instructions, or as stand-alone academic support to address, for instance, the huge percentage of students who attempt taking MOOCs but never complete them due to lack of requisite skills and lack of guidance on how to acquire them. Project web site (http://nyc.lti.cs.cmu.edu/teacher/) will be used to disseminate results.