The intermediate stage of visual processing consists of general purpose perceptual organization modules and 3D interpretation modules. This research is concerned with the computational and algorithmic models of the intermediate processing modules, and the interaction of these modules with each other. It will study the integration of a number of perceptual grouping modules with 3D interpretation modules. If the integration is done across levels as proposed here, the specific knowledge about the physical world provides a powerful set of constraints with which to combine the outputs of the grouping modules. The project involves the development and implementation of a subset of the possible visual processing modules in an integrated manner. The goal of this project is to demonstrate that when the results of lower and intermediate level modules are interpreted within the context of 3D modules, that is, when feedback is provided from the higher level modules, the results obtained are more robust and well defined. The specific modules that this proposal concentrates upon are: (1) the proximity and smoothness grouping modules integrated with symmetry detection modules. (2) the grouping modules integrated with 3D line labeling modules. (3) the symmetry detection module integrated with shape from contour modules. Algorithms will be tested on real images of cluttered scenes of opaque, piecewise smooth objects and the usefulness of the grouping algorithm and the integration process in analyzing these images will be assessed.