This is an award to fund a workshop composed of NSF grantees whose awards were made in the two years of competitions under the Coordination Theory and Collaboration Technology (CTCT) Initiative and grantees of subsequent awards in these fields. The total number of grants involved is thirty-three, an increase of eight from last year. This year, awardees whose research is in robotic coordination will also participate. Those awards made from the Robotics and Machine Intelligence Program constitute evidence of the growth of the field into other program funding domains. The purposes of the workshop are: First, to provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge in the form of perspectives, findings, methods and theory for this young, interdisciplinary field. Second, to provide an opportunity for the field to coalesce and grow. While certain subsets of the community of researchers mingle at various professional meetings, as a whole, these investigators do not have regular contact. The workshop provides an opportunity to establish an identity for the area of work and to plan subsequent activities. Third, this provides an opportunity for the research from these projects to be made more visible to the Washington-based research funding and policy community. This workshop represents a planning opportunity for the IT&O Program. The future research agenda for CTCT funding and community-building is an important part of the workshop program. The workshop will be held on July 8-10, 1993 in Arlington, Virginia. A workshop report will be prepared and made available. //