IRI-9509771 Ford, Kenneth M., and Canas, Alberto J. University of West Florida $5,000-12 mos. Workshop: Smart Machines and Education: Perils and Promise This is partial funding for a workshop that is bringing together participants from a variety of disciplines that share an interest in how artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive science might serve as an enabling technology for learning. Additionally, some of the participants are interested in using what we have learned about intelligence itself (some of this from AI and cognitive models on computers) to build machines that support the learning process. Education is fast ceasing to be a child's preparation for adulthood and is becoming a lifelong process. Certainly, computers and communication will be at the center of this evolution. But beyond merely providing the interface, testing, and delivery component, what role can the specific `intelligent` capacities built into a machine play? This will be the central question that underlies the meeting's sessions on intelligent machine interaction, adaptivity, individual and group process es, and embedding of smart machines in the social milieu. The workshop is intended to help build disciplinary bridges and establish research and development agendas.