Comparative Physiology at the XXXV IUPS Conference PI: Martin Frank, American Physiological Society
This is a request for funds ($25,000) is to support the participation of young scientists, particularly women and under-represented minorities to travel to the 23rd International Congress of Physiological Sciences in San Diego, California from March 31-April 5, 2005. The goal of the proposal is to develop a travel award program designed to encourage US scientists to attend the Congress. The Congress is innovative and covers a wide-range of physiology and pathophysiology, from the fields of genomic to molecular biology. Evaluation of applications for travel grants will be made by a selection subcommittee of USNC (US National Committee) and IUPS and will be used to support younger scientists with particular attention to younger scientists, women and underrepresented minorities. The funds will be used to provide partial support for a minimum of 25 comparative physiologists to attend the conference at approximately $1000 per recipient.