Cooperative behavior is an important question in evolutionary biology because natural selection is thought to favor behaviors that maximize the transmission of an individual's genes. Geoffroy's tamarin (Saguinus geoffroyi) provides an example of such behaviors: in this small primate a single breeding female mates with two males to produce fraternal twins and the males cooperate in caring for the infants. Care primarily consists of carrying the twins, which weigh 17% of adult body mass, for 10 weeks. Given that males may be caring for young that are not their own and such care is so costly, what are the benefits to the helping animal?
Research will combine observations of wild tamarin groups with DNA analyses to understand how male care relates to family relationships and paternity of infants. This approach will allow testing of three currently debated hypotheses regarding the benefits of male parental care: (i) direct benefits through paternity of offspring (ii) indirect benefits of helping kin (iii) delayed benefits via inheritance of a breeding position.
This project will test hypotheses regarding cooperative behavior in a primate system that has shown similarities to humans and may provide new insights into the evolution of our own cooperative behavior. Data on the mating system and ecology of this endangered primate will assist international conservation efforts. Research currently involves training and mentoring of students in the University of Panama. Active communication with local authorities and communities is maintained to disseminate knowledge and involve the greater public in conservation. This project is funded in part by the Office of International Science and Engineering.