Stomata are microscopic valves on the surface of all land plants that allow the exchange of gas and water vapor between a plant and the environment. Correct stomatal patterning is critical for the efficient exchange of gases, which directly effects plant biomass production and water use efficiency. The tightly regulated molecular mechanism controlling the production of stomata ensures that they develop at an appropriate density and distribution. This project will produce a more complete understanding of the gene network driving the production and patterning of mature stomata from undifferentiated cells. The project focuses on characterization of two newly identified stomatal regulatory genes called LONE GUARD CELLS (LOGC) and EXCESS INITIATION OF STOMATAL LINEAGES (EISL). The project will elucidate the function of these two new genes in specifying cell fate during stomatal development. In addition to addressing new regulators, this work will explore the regulation of the well-known stomatal differentiation gene, MUTE. Combined, this project will provide a fuller understanding of the genetics underlying stomatal development and may facilitate manipulation of this process for the benefit of crop improvement. This work has additional important and broad impacts in providing underrepresented minority students from Native-American and Pacific Islander decent with opportunities to participate in genetic and molecular research training at a primarily undergraduate institution. The study will largely be conducted by undergraduate and Masters students who will gain experience in discovery-based research and peer-reviewed publication to give them the tools necessary to enter research professions.