9309526 Bixby A critical feature of the development of the nervous system is the ability of individual nerve cells to grow cellular processes, or axons. These axons often must grow over long distances over complicated pathways to contact their target cells. This research is aimed at an understanding of the molecular signals underlying axon growth. In the previous grant period, it was found that one important mechanism regulating axon growth involves the modification of proteins in the axons by enzymes. In particular, a rare class of enzyme that phosphorylates proteins on tyrosine residues appears to be involved. Several distinct members of this class of enzyme are localized to the exact region of the growing axon that must make "pathfinding" decisions further pointing to the importance of this class of enzyme. At this point, it is unclear which enzyme performs which function in axonal growth and guidance. The present study is aimed at understanding this issue. This study will test the role of individual kinases and phosphatases in axonal growth and other aspects of development. Both known and novel enzymes have been identified in the early developing nervous system. Several of these kinases and phosphatases will be tested functionally, using the techniques of molecular biology. Finally, the interaction of these intracellular signaling molecules with neuronal receptors mediating cell-cell recognition will be examined biochemically. The results of these experiments should allow a more precise knowledge of the molecular basis of cell-cell communication in the developing nervous system, and an elucidation of the intracellular signals that regulate the ability of nerve cells to extend long process to reach their target cells. *** : ; <> ? A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ^ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ 9309526 Bixby A critical feature of the development of the nervous system is the ability of individual nerve cells to grow c o q j o q ! ! F q q ( Times New Roman Symbol & Arial " h e C @ bixby William Proctor, IBN William Proctor, IBN