9311024 Jonakait It has become increasingly clear over the past few years that molecules originally identified as having effects on the growth and development of cells in the immune system play similar roles in the nervous system. For example, interferon-g (IFN-g), first described for its anti-viral activity in the immune system, has now been shown to affect the development of a population of acetylcholine-containing nerve cells in the brain. These nerve cells are of particular interest since they subserve functions of learning and memory. In preliminary studies, IFN has been shown to promote the production of acetylcholine in cultures of these nerve cells. This project will determine whether IFN-g exerts its effect on the survival or the development of these cells, whether IFN-g acts directly on the nerve cells or through another cell type, whether IFN-g is normally present in developing brain, and whether it is normally required for acetylcholine-nerve cell development or survival. These experiments will increase our understanding of factors that control normal growth and development of the nervous system. *** having eff ! ! F u u ( Times New Roman Symbol & Arial s s s " h E E J o C jonakait William Proctor, IBN William Proctor, IBN