WPCc 2 B Z R ! #| x HP LaserJet III HPLASEII.PRS x @ , t 0 OpX @ Courier 10cpi Courier 10cpi Bold 2 X a ? x x x , ?w x 6 X @ 8 ; X @ l ? x x x , x ` w ; X X . E . E PSQRV G t<9 % t6 <> t, Q | } r 9 ^ZY X C~ S~ P C~ X PSQVW t S s r< t6W 9319315 Numan For survival of the species, the young must be cared for until they can subsist on their own. Until recently, little research has been directed towards the elucidation of the neural mechanisms underlying parental behavior. It is now known that the preoptic area is involved in the regulation of maternal responsiveness. Destruction of this brain region prevents the display of maternal behavior, and direct local application of hormones to this region can stimulate maternal behavior. Although it is recognized that the preoptic area is important, the way in which it produces its influence over the behavior is still not known. Dr. Numan's research is directed at providing this answer. Using neuroanatomical and neurochemical techniques, he will examine the larger neural circuitry within which the preoptic area operates to mediate maternal behavior. Dr. Numan will determine the areas in the brain that project to the preoptic region, and where the preoptic area, in turn, projects to influence maternal behavior. Moreover, he will determine the neurochemicals used in the identified neural circuits. This basic research forms the beginning of our understanding of the neural substrates of maternal responsiveness. Once the biological underpinnings of normal behavior are defined, it will be possible to identify what might go wrong in the brain during abnormal parenting. It is this typ e of basic research that will eventually lead to uncovering of some of the biological causes of poor mothering such as child abuse and neglect, and disorders such as postpartum depression. ***