9731972 Berry This is a SGER award. The goal of the proposed research is to characterize the role of selective plant gene amplification in the development of nitrogen-fixing actinorhizal root nodules. It has been observed that nodule-specific, single-gene amplifications and rearrangements occur during the formation of root nodules of Datisca glomerata. Endopolyploidization has historically been reported to occur as a part of nodule organogenesis, but selective gene amplification is a very new finding. Moreover, a little is known about the function or regulation of gene amplification in plant development. This research will lay the groundwork for further studies into this new area of investigation. Selective gene amplification has parallels in diverse biological systems, including oncogene induction, and the proposed work may lead to our increased understanding on the developmental significance and evolutionary conservation of selective gene amplification among eukaryotic organisms.