This award provides financial support for the conference entitled "Gene silencing: the biology of small RNAs and the epigenome", the 24th Symposium in Plant Biology at the University of California, Riverside, to be held January 18-20, 2007. In recent years, the importance of small RNAs to both plant and animal regulatory mechanisms governing development, physiology and responses to pathogens has been established. This conference will bring together plant scientists who have research interests in the mechanisms by which small RNAs influence gene expression. Plants possess numerous small RNAs and appear to extensively exploit small RNA pathways in various processes. The symposium comprises five major topics: (I) Small RNA biogenesis and action mechanisms; (II) Small RNA function in development; (III) Small RNA function in stress and other physiological processes; (IV) Transcriptional silencing and DNA methylation; (V) Transcriptional silencing and histone modifications. The scientific presentations will include both oral and poster sessions.
Broader Impact: The structure of the symposium has designated slots for junior researchers, including graduate students, postdocs and early career investigators, to present their research findings. To encourage participation from young scientists and teachers from small colleges, travel assistance will be offered.