This award, funded by the Systems and Synthetic Biology Program, will help to offset registration costs for 75 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to attend the West Coast Bacterial Physiologists Meeting. At this meeting, approximately 90% of the talks will be presented by undergraduate and graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows. Junior Faculty initiating their research programs will be invited in order to facilitate their integration into the broader scientific community. The scientific focus of the meeting, foundational aspects of microbial physiology, will be relevant to biotechnological applications (bioremediation, biofuels), metabolomics and other systems-level -omics approaches, genome to phenome studies, and synthetic biology.
The West Coast Bacterial Physiologists Meeting will be held in December of 2014 at the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, California. The meeting will be organized into four scientific sessions over a three-day period. Each of the four sessions will begin with an invited "John Ingraham Lecturers in Microbial Physiology" which will span the range of microbial physiology fields and include new and emerging topics. The meeting program and abstracts will be made publicly available on the meeting website. The meeting will give young researchers the opportunity to give an oral presentation at a scientific conference, and will help to integrate junior Faculty into the research community, which will create new collaborative research opportunities.