This award will support the attendance of early career scientists at the inaugural Gordon Research Seminar on Chromatin Structure and Function, which will be at the Jordan Hotel, Newry, Maine on July 22-27 of 2018. The format of the meeting is a combination of talks and posters, which will promote scientific exchange in both formal and informal settings. One session is devoted to the professional development and mentoring of early career scientists. There will be ample opportunity for sharing the latest research results and for networking.
This meeting will cover the broad topics of chromatin organization and genome architecture, and the impact of chromatin regulation on physiology and disease. The field of chromatin biology has grown significantly, and has contributed new concepts and technologies that have pushed scientific boundaries and impacted related fields. Discussions and talks regarding the development of cutting-edge technologies and how such technologies can be used to answer questions in novel ways will be included at the meeting. The fields of chromatin biology and epigenetics are moving at a fast pace, and this meeting provides a venue for early career scientists from around the world to present their latest contributions to these fields.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.