This research is directed toward elucidation of the means by which the five operons which comprise the sn-glycerol-3 phosphate (glp) regulon in E. coli are coordinately but at the same time differentially controlled by the glp R. encoded repressor. So for the DNA carrying the glpR genes has been cloned and characterized; the glp R encoded repressor has been purified and characterized, the nucleotide sequence of glp R gene has been determined and the operator sequences for each of the glp gene have been identified. The structures of all the control regions for the glp operons will be defined and the binding affinity of the repressor for each operator will be determined. The results of this research will provide important information about factors influencing the interaction been specific proteins (GlpR.CRP.cRMP, Fnr and Arc A) and their recognition sites on DNA, and how these interactions are important for the regulation of gene expression. Such knowledge will provide information about how the cell uses specific DNA protein interactions to respond to changes not only in the exogenous supply of glycerol-P and its precursor but also the presence of alternative carbon sources and to the respiratory state of the cell as determined by the identity of the terminal electron acceptor.