This second conference on Chromatin and Transcription is to be held under the auspices of the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology (FASEB) June 27-July 2 in Copper Mountain, Colorado. Participation will be limited to 150 scientists (including speakers and moderators), selected on the basis of their expertise and interest in this area and their expected contribution to the success of the program. It will be the second meeting entirely devoted to Chromatin and Transcription: the critical analysis of our current understanding of how nuclear organization contributes to gene regulation and the evaluation of the most fruitful avenues for further investigation. The Conference will consist of nine sessions, each with three or four speakers and a discussion leader, selected among investigators who have made seminal contributions to the field and from younger investigators in the program. The participation of established and promising female scientists and minority scientists will be actively encouraged. This meeting on "Chromatin and Transcription" should serve as a catalyst for stimulating the interest of scientists who may already have the tools in hand to approach gene regulation in the context of nuclear structure, with focus upon those young scientists who are yet to initiate a major area of independent research. %%% This meeting of scientists will discuss how the molecular structure of genes is involved in the cellular production of enzymes and other proteins. It is important to know what is different in the structure of genes that are actively producing blueprints for the production of proteins versus other genes that are not active in this manner. Understanding the chromatin structure is considered a key aspect in this field. This area of genetics has rapidly progressed over the past few years and this conference will bring the best talent available for the exchange of information.

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Federation of Amer Societies for Exper Biology
United States
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