; R o o t E n t r y F > G C o m p O b j b W o r d D o c u m e n t O b j e c t P o o l F F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : F Microsoft Word 6.0 Document MSWordDoc Word.Document.6 ; 9421731 Pryzwansky Neutrophils are white blood cells which contain an assortment of chemicals which are packaged in granules inside the cells. When neutrophils are activated, a signal is transmitted which tells the cell to release these chemicals to the outside of the cells. These chemicals are important in maintaining a healthy state for most living systems. In previous studies it was shown that one signal, cGMP, transmits its information to the cell by activating a protein which changes the organization of the framework which controls granule movement. This framework, which is similar to a skeleton (cytoskeleton), is composed of structures called intermediate filaments which rapidly change in organization when cGMP signals are in place. The goal of this project is to determine if cGMP is responsible for regulating granule release by changing the organization of intermediate filaments. This goal will be accomphlised by investigating the changes in the structural organization of the cyskeleton and granules by electron microscopy, and by investigating the biochemical and physiological functio n of cGMP. This information should advance our understanding of the signaling mechanisms which control granule release as well as provide insight as to the physiological function of intermediate filaments. %%% Neutrophils are important for defense against microorganisms which they kill. These cells receive signals which are essential for them to respond, and cyclic GMP (cGMP) has been found to be a signal for neutrophil activation. One of ways neutrophils respond is by the release of chemical substances which can destroy or inactivate noxious substances. This investigation is to study the mechanisms of granule release by cGMP using electron microscopy to observe changes in the neutrophils at this time. Since the proposed mechanism involves changes in the structural organization of the cell, the studies will also provide information on the physiological function of these structural elements (intermediate filaments). *** ; Oh +' 0 S u m m a r y I n f o r m a t i o n ( / $ H l D h R:WWUSERTEMPLATENORMAL.DOT 9421731 Shirley Parker Shirley Parker @ 3 , @ @ 3 , @ F # Microsoft Word 6.0 1 ; e 3 e j j j j j j j @ 1 " q T 7 @ j @ j j j j ~ j j j j : 9421731 Pryzwansky Neutrophils are white blood cells which contain an assortment of chemicals which are packaged in granules inside the cells. When neutrophils are activated, a signal is transmitted which tells the cell to release these chemicals to the outside of the cells. These chemicals are important in maintaining a healthy state for most living systems. In previous studies it was shown that one signal, cGMP, transmits its information to the cell by activating a protein which changes the organization of the framework which controls granule movement. This f