The purpose of this international Blue Sky II conference, to be held in Ottawa, Canada, September 25-27, 2006, is to examine three aspects of science, technology and innovation (STI) indicators, to provide a synthesis of the findings, and to map a course of the next decade of STI indicator development and use. The three aspects to be examined are: new uses of existing STI indicators, new STI uses of existing economic and social indicators, and the development of completely new STI indicators.
Measuring the internationalization of science, technology and innovation activities and indicators will be emphasized. The conference will include both industrialized and developing countries and their international organizations.
Four outputs are anticipated. The first is the combination of the presentations and the value added by the discussions. The second is the immediate transfer of knowledge to as many as two hundred participants. The third is the expansion of the network of people involved in developing, using, and providing science, technology and innovation indicators. The fourth is the collection of papers, most of which will result from the conference, which will be edited and submitted to a publisher within six months of the conference, with a book to follow.