Title: Using the SRS Human Resource Data to Study the Science and Engineering Workforce Proposal for Two Workshops by Paula E. Stephan, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University
This proposal would organize two one-day workshops for users and potential users of SRS restricted data in the spring of 2007 and 2008.
The goals of the workshop are threefold: (1) Exchange information among users concerning creative uses of the data and research outcomes; (2) Broaden the base of users by familiarizing potential users with the data that is available and ways in which the data is currently being used as well as the potential for other kinds of use; (3) Provide feedback to SRS regarding the data and ways to enhance use.
The genesis for the proposed workshops is the workshop that Stephan has organized for October 20, 2006. This workshop, which had funds for 22 participants, attracted 53 applicants. The result is that a large number of current users and potential users will not be able to participate in the workshop. Moreover, increasing the number of users is of special policy concern given new initiatives and opportunities created both in response to John Marburger's article concerning the "Science of Science Policy" in Science and the development, by SRS, of a formal policy for linking the SRS micro data to other databases.