The PI proposes to analyze the impact of the wind stress curl anomalies induced by high-topography islands or coastal mountains on the global ocean circulation. To accomplish this, a semianalytical model will be developed to explore the parameter space of the problem (distance of the island from boundaries, direction of mean flow impinging on the island, direction and intensity of the anomalous wind wake) and classify the different possible oceanic responses. They will explore existing observations for all geographic areas of interest to search for the predicted features and provide solid grounds for the validity of the proposed dynamical mechanisms. A numerical model with increasing complexity will help interpret possible differences between analytical predictions and actual observations, and provide a deeper dynamical understanding of the problem.
Broader Impacts
The project addresses issues seminal to the effort of understanding and predicting atmosphere-interactions in complex geometric settings, and has implications in ecosystem and fisheries dynamics. It will advance knowledge while promoting the training of a graduate student. The results will be used to improve the material of the undergraduate course Global Environmental Data Analysis", taught by the principal investigator in the framework of the new undergraduate Global Environmental Science degree. It will also stimulate and motivate further observations and field programs, especially in ecology and fisheries. The results will be broadly.