The ecological roles of top predators in structuring communities and affecting the flow of carbon in shelf systems are known to be significant. What is less well understood is how the spatial and temporal variability in mesoscale forcing influences cross-shelf and along-shelf structure of mid-trophic communities and the transfer of carbon from zooplankton and fish to top predators. The investigators will examine mesoscale and finer-scale spatial and temporal relationships between top predators (marine mammals, seabirds), their prey and physical-biological processes in the northern California Current System (CCS) with data sets collected during the multi-ship GLOBEC NEP effort that surveyed waters off Oregon and northern California in 2000 and 2002. Variability in the productivity of the CCS is notably large owing to climate variability on time scales ranging from days (upwelling) to interannual (ENSO) to decadal (Pacific Decadal Oscillation, PDO). While these trends can be best seen from a large-scale view, it is at the mesoscale or finer-scale perspective that predators are exploiting the patches of prey that become available. Two major null hypotheses will be tested: 1) mesoscale forcing, that alters the alongshore upwelling front and equatorward jet, does not affect the cross-shelf and along-shelf density and community structure of top predators; and 2) the spatial scale of plankton and nekton distribution, measured by spatial autocorrelation, is everywhere comparable to that of physical parameters; in turn, the spatial scale of planktivore or piscivore distributions is comparable to the scale of plankton and fish distributions, respectively. The investigators will construct a predictive model of factors affecting top-predator distribution based on 2000 data and will test it using 2002 data. They will also estimate predator abundance and distribution using general additive models and construct a carbon flow model to estimate carbon egested, respired and sequestered by upper trophic levels (as well as carbon removed by migrants). Several modeling approaches will be used to determine the magnitude and significance of prey correspondence or depletion at a range of scales. Spatial heterogeneity will be examined at two levels of the ecosystem: the density or patch size of prey relative to physical oceanographic features and the density of predators relative to their prey. The syntheses proposed herein provide a valuable baseline, for the early part of this century, on top predator response to several scales and sources of variability in the northern CCS. In addition, the synthesis forwards the longer-term development of predictive biophysical models of occurrence patterns of top-predators (many of which are endangered species) in the CCS. Evolution of such models will assist with resource management and planning of human activities (e.g., major fisheries, 5 marine sanctuaries, transportation and commerce) in the northern California Current ecosystem off the west coast of the U.S.