P.I.: Plumley, Gerhard/Bermuda Biological St. Proposal #: 05-52453
This award provides renewed funding for a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site at the Bermuda Biological Station for Research (BBSR). Funding will support 8 internships for 12 weeks during the Fall semester each year. The BBSR REU Site has been funded by OCE since 1991, and this award will continue the program for an additional three years. Students are recruited nationally, and a total of 121 students have participated in the Site since its beginning. They have conducted research on a wide variety of near-shore and open ocean processes. Students receive a weekly stipend, room and board, travel to and from Bermuda, research support, and all applicable research facilities fees. Each selected student is mentored by BBSR faculty during an independent research project. They also attend a variety of seminars, field trips and workshops designed to support future careers in marine science. Students must prepare a final paper and give a final presentation on their research. The program will provide a total of 24 students with an in-depth independent research experience and training that will help them succeed in scientific careers.