The PIs request funding for the acquisition of a dual inlet, light element isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) with a liquid sample interface and associated HPLC system. The requested instrumentation would complement an existing IRMS utilizing three different interfaces to provide a suite of capabilities for Skidaway researchers and outside investigators. The proposed instrumentation would allow for the high precision analysis of gas ratios in atmospheric, soil, and aqueous samples, with the capability of measuring multiple gasses (N2, O2, Ar, and CO2) simultaneously. The HPLC system will allow for measurement of stable isotopes in organic compounds such as proteins, RNA/DNA, carbohydrates and others.
Broader Impacts The requested instrumentation would provide analytical capabilities that do not currently exist in Georgia or South Carolina and enable collaborations among disciplines. The proposal indicates that the PIs will promote the capabilities of and access to the IRMS systems at local, regional and national meetings to promote collaborations and use of the instrumentation The center will also provide hands-on training on the instrumentation to students, including those from underrepresented groups (i.e., students from Savannah State University).