This award provides funds to support Gail Scowcroft as the lead person on the Interim Network Leadership Team for the Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE). In this role, she is responsible for coordinating the various activities of the COSEE Network. The major tasks to be undertaken within this 12 month interval include: [1] managing the redesign of the COSEE website; [2] leading the development of a more effective COSEE evaluation program; [3] restructuring the National Advisory Committee; [4] coordinating and planning of meetings; and [5] assisting new COSEE Centers become integrated into the COSEE Network. This award provides funds to support the salary of Scowcroft and an administrative assistant, travel costs to attend COSEE meetings , and provide materials and supplies for coordinating these meetings.
Broader impacts include activities that bring together the ocean science research and education communities while promoting teaching, training, and learning in ocean science. The main goals of the proposed activities are to support and strengthen the COSEE Network and promote ocean literacy nationally.