The PIs have requested an EArly-Concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER to construct, calibrate, and field test new devices for making discrete measurements of high-temperature and diffuse flow at seafloor hydrothermal vents. The eventual goal of this research is to construct, test, and make available devices that can be used routinely in studies of seafloor hydrothermal systems from either ROV or submersible platforms. The PI?s plan to field test the new devices on two cruises. These cruises will enable the PI?s to test the devices on both submersible and ROV platforms. Moreover, the PI?s have collected fluid flow and heat flux data from this area with previous generation of devices, hence providing the opportunity for comparative measurements. By determining the utility as well as the limitations of the devices in these abbreviated field environments, the PI?s will be able to perfect the designs if necessary before requesting funding to use these devices as part of a full field program.
Broader Impacts
Having a suite of robust, easy to use, ease to maintain devices for measuring fluid flow in seafloor hydrothermal systems has broad-ranging implications for multidisciplinary, integrated investigations of these processes. The research will support one female Ph.D. student to the completion of her degree. The research performed under this grant will be presented at meetings, incorporated into classroom teaching, and published in peer reviewed literature.