This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).
A request is made to fund additional and back-up instrumentation on the R/V Roger Revelle, a 273? general purpose Global vessel; the R/V Melville, a 279?general purpose Global vessel; the R/V New Horizon, a 170?, general purpose, Intermediate vessel and the R/V Sproul, a 125? general purpose Regional vessel. All four vessels are operated by Scripps Institute of Oceanography as part of the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) research fleet. The request includes four items listed by priority:
1) Vector M5 ROV 2) RDI 75 kHz Ocean Surveyor 3) GeoEel Tow Leader 4) EM120 to EM122 Upgrade
Broader Impacts: The acquisition, maintenance and operation of shared-use instrumentation allows NSF-funded researchers from any US university or lab access to working, calibrated instruments for their research, reducing the cost of that research, and expanding the base of potential researchers.