This award provides renewed funding for a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee's School of Freshwater Sciences (SFS). The proposed program would provide 10 students with a 10-week active learning experience each summer for two years. The Site provides environmental aquatic science research training for nationally-recruited students in a cohesive, multi- and interdisciplinary environment. Students interested in physics, chemistry, geology, and biology of lake and ocean settings are paired with mentors supervising active, often interdisciplinary research laboratories. Together they develop a program of empirical study compatible with the advisor's interests and capabilities within one of the dynamic interdisciplinary research programs. After an introduction to SFS, students spend a day of offshore Lake Michigan sampling experience, a day of analytical and conceptual interaction, and a second day of ROV exploration on a nearby reef aboard the research vessel R/V Neeskay. They then write a short research proposal and begin a combined field, laboratory, and library investigation. In some cases, small teams of students (2-3 each) work within an umbrella project. Scientific seminars and workshops on graduate school, career options and opportunities, writing and public presentation of results and related topics are included in the program.