This award provides funds to support advancement of NSF's Regional Class Research Vessel (RCRV) to the Construction Stage with Oregon State University as the Lead Institution for a three-ship construction effort.
The science tool kit has evolved dramatically since the last Regional Class ships were delivered in the early 1980's. The interdisciplinary oceanography community now routinely employs a wide range of sophisticated instrumentation (acoustics, optical sensors, video, high speed data links, specialized nets and corers) deployed in a variety of ways (ship-mounted, lowering on ropes and cables, Remotely Operated Vehicle and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) and geared toward multiple scales of interest. The new class of RCRVs will include state-of-the-art design features and equipment for enhanced investigation of the present and emerging coastal science themes. These capabilities are simply not available on the older Regional vessels due to their age and physical configuration. Along with the R/V Sikuliaq, the RCRV project represents NSF's inter-agency commitment to Academic Fleet modernization.